Saturday, August 1, 2015


{ taken at horton plaza mall during comic con weekend, these mini piñatas were adorable. }


Damian is away for the weekend, his band is going to play at some punk camp, 14 hours from here. I've been so uninspired lately. I started a whole30 again but this time it's actually a whole90. It's been great so far. Damian and Maxi have been torturing me by eating donuts in front of me several times. I decided to do whole30 for 90 days because honestly as soon as whole30 ended, oh my gosh, I didnt know what to do with myself... I slowly started going back to my old ways and then it went back to uncontrollable cravings. I hope with this time doing the cleanse for 90 days, it will be harder to go back to old habits/ easier to continue with healthy habits. Round two has been waaay easier. No headaches, grown up tantrums or hard core cravings. I still have cravings, but they are the controllable kind. I dropped my 3 month old phone in the toilet today. No insurance. Some times things don't go as planned. Some times life isn't as exciting as you'd like. But it is always beautiful. 


Favorite links as of lately:

These are happening in my kitchen after my whole90. Cinnamon sugar funnel cake.
New take on after dinner mints. These would be perfect for a dinner party with vanilla ice cream, why not.
This outfit. Perfect for those in between days. when summer is turning into fall (at least in San Diego).
This Spa water screams summer and is perfect for whole30. I have some similar jars and a plant of mint!
If I have a daughter. That bed is a dream.

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