Thursday, September 8, 2016

Iced Horchata Latte

It's been a looooong time since I have blogged. We moved houses, Damian got a new job and Maxi started school so we have been busy busy busy and readjusting to all the new changes that have been going on! My dear pen pal asked for this horchata latte recipe that I posted about on Instagram and I promised her I would post it here. So here it is. A day late but I'm sure she already knew I was going to be fashionably late just like with the letters we send each other. This one's for you Kim, Enjoy!

Iced Horchata Latte


1/4 cup brown rice
1/2 cup coffee beans
1/4 cup raw almonds
1/2 cinnamon stick, crushed
1/4 sugar

Using coffee grinder (or as I do, baby bullet that I used twice to make baby food) coarsely grind rice and transfer to an airtight container. Coarsely grind coffee beans and place in same container as rice. Add almonds, cinnamon stick and 4 cups water. Cover and let soak in refrigerator overnight.

To make the simple syrup, that you will use to sweeten your horchata lattes, bring sugar and 1/4 cup water to a boil in a small saucepan, swirling to dissolve sugar. Transfer simple syrup to a heatproof container, cover and chill.

After your horchata latte concoction has been soaking overnight, transfer to a blender and blend until very smooth. Strain through a fine mesh sieve into a container, pressing on solids to extract all that goodness. Grab a cup with lots of ice, pour some horchata latte over it, sweeten with your simple syrup, add a straw and mix it all up. You just saved yourself a trip to the coffee shop (and some money). I like to double this recipe and have iced coffee on hand for that very much needed afternoon-pick-me-up. Don't forget to double simple syrup when doubling latte!

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